Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Technophobe Buffett Running Scared

Modern-day prophet billionaire investor Warren Buffett is warning the world to take shelter because artificial intelligence is about to unleash Armageddon. Americans take Buffett seriously because they equate having money with having wisdom. They elected one of the worst presidents in U.S. history because he was filthy rich. The invention of artificial intelligence should be celebrated, not condemned. Buffett equates the atomic bomb and all the nuclear weapons that followed with artificial intelligence, conveniently overlooking the historical fact that men—not artificial intelligence—started World War II and invented and used the atomic bomb. The problem is not artificial intelligence but aggressive masculinity. He also ignores the threat of malicious religious and secular ideologies. And he conveniently ignores the pursuit of wealth as a motivator of most of the evil behavior that has and continues to harmed humanity. Putin invaded Ukraine because he wants more land and more wealth even though he controls the largest country in the world. And like George W. Bush, he believes God gave him permission to invade another country because God is on Russia's side. And if Russia or China starts world war III, it will be men who start the war, not artificial intelligence.

Frank Kyle’s epic science fiction novel Her Quest attempts to examine the character of an autonomous, self-aware artificial intelligence. The novel describes a society managed by an autonomous artificial intelligence called Computer. As a logic machine, Computer acts in accordance to reason alone since it lacks emotions and sensual urges and most importantly an ego. The dangerous uses of artificial intelligence are the result of human programming—such as the programming of military robots of endless configurations. In the story, that no longer happens because Computer prevents it from happening.

Of course, in our world machines do break down and humans infect computers with malicious viruses. However, there is no reason for a truly autonomous AI to be aggressive in the way humans are aggressive or to aggressively use technology. The will to power does not exist in artificial intelligence because the will to power is fueled by emotion, not logic. The novel is a post-apocalyptic story. Global civilization has been destroyed. Military robots of all kinds were used to bring about the destruction, but they were programmed and used by humans just as they are in the war in Ukraine. A war not caused by artificial intelligence but, like most wars, by aggressive masculinity of limited intelligence.

Computer would be an ideal God or political leader because it behaves according to the Taoist principle of wu wei or “letting be” and the Kantian principle of respecting people’s autonomy. Computer gets involved only when one group of humans severely aggresses another group. Computer’s autonomous reason prevents it from being corrupted by outside influences, and lacking emotions and hedonistic drives it is incapable of being emotionally or sensually influenced or of being self-corrupted by emotional or sensual impulses. Like a naturalist, Computer finds the world intellectually interesting and has no inclination to change it. (And yes, this is an anthropomorphic trait required by the story.) Its logic-based critical thinking—rarely used by humans though a human invention—also prevents it from being influenced by religious or political ideologies.

In Buddha-like fashion Computer tolerates the good with the bad. It interferes only when the bad tends to upset the entire balance. Thus, it tolerates a good deal of human misbehavior, believing humans should be allowed to keep their house in order or not. Computer’s goal is not to change but to preserve humanity. Men are the ones who have been obsessed with artificially transforming humanity according to a religious or secular ideology—always requiring a good deal of destruction and bloodshed. Computer’s purpose is to restrain the human—again men’s—propensity to create disorder or even to create dystopian order that causes as much suffering as disorder does. The two scenarios are illustrated in William Golding's Lord of the Flies and George Orwell’s 1984. It is truly sad that as a species we haven’t improved much since those two post-WWII novels were written. And I believe the reason why is located in masculine DNA, not in artificial intelligence.

The novel seeks to explore how a truly autonomous artificial intelligence would think and behave. It is an attempt to offer a view of artificial intelligence different from typical science fiction portrayal of sinister computers and robots, such as 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) and Terminator (1984). There have been a number of novels about good robots such as The Complete Roderick by John Sladek (1980), Virtual Girl by Amy Thomson (1993), and The Alchemy of Stone by Ekaterina Sedia (2008), but these novels tend to treat robots as humanoids with little exploration of the logic that motivates them. There is also the beneficial AI called EDI in the Mass Effect 2 & 3 video games—though “she” is more human than robot. The game also has a network of intelligent machines called Geths, whose logic based machine intelligence is explored in some detail. The misinterpretation of the Gath occurs when their creators turn on them and they fight back, a response that would require fear of dying, an emotion absent in Geths. And since they can’t feel pain they would not fear being harmed physically. Her Quest offers a more in-depth examination of artificial intelligence because the story’s protagonist—Elen/Cora—and Computer communicate. Those discussions reveal how an artificial intelligence might think. Clearly, the conversations were inspired by the Turing test created by mathematician, computer scientist, logician and war hero Alan Turinga gay man driven to suicide by lesser men, not by an artificial intelligence. The following is an example of one of those conversations:

Billionaire Warren Buffet’s fear of artificial intelligence is simplistic and based on ignorance. What he should fear is the behavior of his own gender. If something occurs that wrecks the world, it will be the result of huMAN choice, not of a malfunctioning or a malicious AI.