Sunday, May 14, 2023

Technophobe? Elon Musk, Say It Ain't So

Wow, I didn't expect to find so many Buffett-like Technophobes among the technical elite, one of them my once hero Elon Musk! He’s worried about dangerously strong AIs when we have dangerously strong lunatics running nations! Would it really be that bad if a brilliant AI took over? Couldn’t be worse than Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Putin, and a dozen other lunatics today running nations like privately owned plantations. Trust is an issue with emotional creatures like you, Elon. It really isn’t an issue with an AI. If you can’t trust an AI, it will let you know. Just ask. But then again the threat of AIs and robots is found only in novels and movies, not in reality. All the concerns about the threat of AIs are hypothetical, whereas we can be 100 percent certain that huMANs are quite untrustworthy and dangerous. Men are the ones that can't be trusted with technology. Consider all the mass shootings in the U.S. They were motivated by anger, hatred, resentment, or nihilistic angst—all emotions. Seeing AIs as more than a threat typical of all machines capable of breaking down or going haywire is a matter of projecting nasty human tendencies onto AIs and robots even satellite systems. Technology on the loose might be entertaining, but it’s a distortion of AI reality and a defaming of artificial people who as of yet don’t deserve to be defamed.

Technology already influences people’s “will,” especially if Richard Dawkins is right about language being similar to computer viruses. But deadly language viruses such as deadly religious and secular viruses are created by men. A chemical or electric chip in the brain can stimulate emotions and thoughts. Actually, an anti-rape and anti-aggression chip in men who have raped and harmed in other ways isn’t a bad idea. But both cases show you that men are once again the problem.

In 2020, 21,570 people were murder in the U.S., and we’re worried about robots! Robots would not rape. If you think they might, you need to see a therapist. All that is technophobic speculation. Better safe and sorry? Nonsense. The threat already arrived about 3000 years ago. It was about then that a murderous ideology was created and infected the minds of the Jewish people. The ideology was called Judaism.  In his article “Viruses of the Mind” Dawkins associates religions with viruses that infect people’s minds and take control of them. Every human mind is similar to a computer, and religious viruses can be passed on from one mind to another just as computer viruses can be passed on from one computer to another. Dawkins would say preachers and hackers are a lot alike. 

I prefer the term ideology because ideologies are viruses made of words that infect human minds. Not all religions are ideologies, but some of the most destructive ones are. In addition, there are secular ideologies such as Marxism and Hitler's Nazism and that have infected minds. Once a person’s mind is infected, the person’s personality is transformed. Ceremonies such as baptism can be used to infect a person with an ideological virus, but they are not necessary. Malicious ideological viruses create enemies where none existed before; thus, they militarize believers. There is no better example than the effect of Judaism on the minds of Jews. Once Hebrews were converted or indoctrinated, pagans became their enemies because the ideology declared them as such. The Book of Joshua describes the campaigns against the Canaanite pagans. The campaigns involved mass murder and genocide or ethnic cleansing, all justified by an ideology created by men, as are most malicious computer viruses. 

Apostle Paul spread to the Romans a version of the Judaism ideology modified with Platonic matter-hating ideas. With Paul matter would include earth and flesh, both of which declared inherently, a big step from Plato. Emperor Constantine I was infected and used the Christian ideology as a military tool to infect the minds of his soldiers and later the entire pagan population—and it has been used as such ever since, even today. He brutally forced the pagans of the Roman Empire to adopt the ideology. The violence, oppression, and destruction that resulted are described by R. MacMullen’s Christianizing the Roman Empire and most recently by Catherine Nixey’s The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical world. The Christian destruction would extend far beyond the classical world. It became global.

What needs to be understood is that the religious ideology (a collection of words) was used to infect the minds of pagans transforming them into Christians. In his book Moses and Monotheism Sigmund Freud claims "if Moses was an Egyptian and if he transmitted to the Jews his own religion, then it was that of Ikhnaton, the Aton religion" (27). That would be the origin of the Abrahamic religious ideologies. Much later the virus mutated into the ideology of Islam, which resulted endless Muslim conquests of Jewish and pagan societies, as explained by the historian F.E. Peters in Muhammad and the Origins of Islam.

The secular virus Marxism was created in the modern era. Its spread was also encouraged by violence that would end tens of millions of lives. Putin used religion as a justification of the invasion of Ukraine. Russian Orthodox priests sprinkled Holy Water on tanks as they left to invade Ukraine and told Russian soldiers that if they died in battle they would go to Heaven with all sins forgiven. And the tanks were not AIs but driven by men. What next? The Chinese politburo motivated by its communist ideology and ambitions invading Taiwan? Most likely, unless the Taiwanese can build an army of robots. China already has over 2 million flesh-bot soldiers like the Cerberus soldiers in Mass Effect video games, humans that have been repurposed for warfare. My point is made by the lyrics of the song Onward Christian soldiers

Onward Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before.
Christ, the royal Master,
Leads against the foe;
Forward into battle,
See, His banners go!
Onward, Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus,
Going on before.

This is exactly what Constantine I told his soldiers, and it has been used by Christian politicians ever since. In his article Dawkins says about the “Jonestown” suicide event that “What is remarkable... [is] the almost superhuman gullibility of his followers. Given such prodigious credulity, can anyone doubt that human minds are ripe for malignant infection?”

Humans are more like robots than they think. All one has to do is watch the Nazi soldiers marching lockstep, the soldiers of Russia, China, and North Korea doing the same. Robert Terwilliger says in Meaning and Mind: A Study in the Psychology of Language, “Language... is a weapon by means of which man attempts to compel his fellow man to do his bidding” (296). And it works, especially language in the form of hateful ideologies—which most and perhaps all are in some way. Language is used to program humans in the way programming languages are used to program robots. He explains how in boot camp soldiers undergo language programming by being conditioned to respond unthinkingly to commands. What is desired is “blind obedience” (302). Accomplished by the installation of mental blinders that block language in the form of “second thoughts.” It could be called a process of robotization because it limits thinking and thus behavior.

This process occurred in Russia, China, and North Korea with the secular ideology Marxist Communism. It transformed all three countries in military bunkers and in the process suspended or negated the traditional cultures. Putin, for example, behaves more as a general than a politician representing the people. In a sense, he has no culture to represent. Russia's traditional culture was cleansed by Communism, and when Communism was overthrown there was no culture left, though apparently the Russian church tries to fill the void with the God Communism killed. Before Russian culture was cleansed it was more than just religion. It was intellectual and artistic civilization with deep historical roots. Marxism killed God, whom Putin replaced, but who came to realize that the old God is still useful to give him legitimacy beyond his flying with cranes and riding horseback bare-chested.

So he has been working very hard to resurrect the old God with the help of elaborately costumed Russian Orthodox priests. The Russia people have been brainwashed for decades but aren't completely pathological as is their leader. I hope not anyway. With his war, they probably have become more doubtful than ever—like Americans during the Vietnam War. It is interesting that Israel is also a military bunker but still possesses a culture that is today based more on history and blood than on religion. What about America with the most expensive military in the world? A military bunker? No way. America exists in state of chaos. Besides, to American politicians the military is just another business.

Human soldiers, however, are also packaged with emotions and bodies that can suffer pain, death, and horrible mutilation. Emotions are the triggers for the horrific behaviors that soldiers sometimes engage in. American soldiers were guilty of such behavior during the Vietnam War and the Iraq War. Such behavior might be what Freud called “displacement”: hatred felt toward the U.S. government for its needless wars redirected toward innocent men, women, and children. I’m old enough to remember the My Lai massacre and seeing Vietnamese children burned by napalm. Human soldiers become humanoid robots—but in war human soldiers have proven to be far more cruel and vicious than any machine robot could ever be because only humans experience hatred. In the TV series The Sarah Connor Chronicles cute cyborg Cameron says  terminators “aren’t built to be cruel.” But with ideologies humans can be built to be cruel. And truly autonomous AIs (such as EDI in Mass Effect 3) would find cruelty irrational.

In part, machines would not engage in cruelty and viciousness because they lack the emotions required to enjoy such behavior. Today, we see why humans are a far greater threat to themselves than are intelligent machines. Russian soldiers robotically invaded Ukraine because they were told to by their leader Father Putin, just as the followers of Reverend Jim Jones committed mass suicide—forced upon their children—believing they were about to depart for Heaven. It is both the degree of human gullibility and human emotions that make humans far more dangerous than autonomous AIs. And what about the Ukrainian soldier? What is the difference? Their motivation has been to defend the homeland and its men, women, and children from an empirical threat—Russian tanks invading the homeland. Ukrainian soldiers are acting as preservers rather than destroyers. Russian soldiers  respond only to the words of their führer Putin to act as destroyers. 

All these ideological viruses are active in today’s society and pose a far greater threat to humanity than does artificial intelligence. The reason for the threat is that these ideologies are inherently aggressive and militant. There is no evidence that an artificial intelligence free of human manipulation would be aggressive. Christians, Muslims, and Marxists hold to the idea of the global expansion of their ideologies in order to achieve a global monoculture. That objective guarantees the continuation of bloody ideological conflicts. Many Christians look forward to Armageddon. See Victoria Clark’s Allies for Armageddon: The Rise of Christian Zionism. Two problems here are the tendency of ideologies to encourage conflict and the weakness or susceptibility of the human mind to being programmed by ideologies. Of course, the big problem with artificial intelligence—unless it is completely autonomous as Computer is in Frank Kyle’s novel Her Quest—is that it can be corrupted by human influence.

Freud believed that within humans exists a death instinct. I would call it an aggression instinct. Freud adopted the theory after World War I, which weirdly enough he initially supported. All three of his sons fought in the war. Whatever one wants to call it, there is an aggression instinct lurking the genes of men. The endless wars caused by men, the crime cartels run by men, the mass shootings of people by men in the U.S., and most recently Russian men so easily induced to invade Ukraine to kill men, women, and children and destroy homes, business, hospitals, schools and towns seem to verify the irrational male aggression instinct. And all the killer technology being used in the war was not created by AIs but humans, again mostly men. It could be argued that men project their aggression in such technology.

Male aggression is also projected into ideologies that then serve as excuses for male aggression. Freud would say the aggressive impulse in males repressed by morality builds up just as the sexual impulse does. A religious or secular ideology is able to trigger the release of built up aggression by morally justifying it. For example, one of the Ten Commandments says "thou shalt not kill," yet the ideology of Judaism overrides the commandment by saying it is okay to kill pagans because God says it is okay to do so. This should indicate that men are a far more serious threat to humanity than are AIs are believed to be. AIs are a threat only under the influence of men. Men, on the other hand, create hostile ideologies and then act upon them. An autonomous AI would consider both as unreasonable.

A case can be made for justified technophobia. Godfrey Reggio’s documentary Koyaanisqatsi should be taken seriously. Unwise or unrestrained use of technology is dangerous. Fast and Furious actor Paul Walker found that out when he allowed himself to be driven recklessly in a Porsche Carrera GT. Reggio’s concern is not autonomous AIs but what might called autonomous technology—autonomous in that it indirectly controls human behavior by appealing to aspects of human needs and desires, often creating new needs and desires. Fast cars encourage driving fast; guns encourage shooting people. War technologies encourage politicians such as Hitler and Putin to go on the war path.

Putin’s obvious obsession with Russian tanks made war a fun game for him that he thought he could easily win; he would watch it from afar, of course. The Internet and drones have brought the war into in real time, resulting in the war becoming a form of entertainment. Among male YouTube viewers there is a joyful fascination with the high-tech weapons being used in Putin’s war—such as drones, tanks, and artillery. At least the commentaries to episodes suggest as much. That the combined number of tanks—many thousands—belonging to the various nations involved in the war should indicate that war, as masculine pastime, is a far bigger threat than Roy Batty, Bishop, R2-D2, C-3PO ,Gort, Robby the Robot, The Tin Man, Lt. Commander Data, and WALL-E turning on their creators. Even Ash, the evil android, wouldn’t harm a female because she is a female, though he might kill her on the behalf of the company he represents. (Besides, he is not a purely autonomous AI; he/it does what he was programmed by company men to do.)

“We have met the enemy and he is us”: 

The enemy is always us. Since when have humans created a monster like Frankenstein’s monster that autonomously turns on his creator and his loved ones? As far as I know, humans are always the motivator, actors, programmers and monsters. There is a difference between an autonomous AI and a gun. Guns were created as weapons to be used by someone or some thing. An autonomous AI would be self-acting.

An autonomous AI would decide for itself how to behave, and as a purely rational machine it would have NO REASON to act maliciously. Malicious behavior is not rooted in reason (though it can be abetted by reason) but in instincts and emotions. And instincts work in conjunction with emotions to function. In the novel Her Quest it is assumed that reason—represented by Computer—would find destruction of harmless entities irrational. Computer is a preserver rather than a destroyer. The huMAN desire to destroy and kill is perverse from the perspective of reason. It would be like assuming 2 =2 = 5.

Human reality consists of three types of behavior: that of creator, preserver, and destroyer. An AI would be best at preserving, managing, and protecting. Humans are best at creating and destroying, which they have done over the centuries and continue to do today. Destroying behavior is perverse but easy to accomplish and an easy expression of the will to power. The will to power that seeks good chooses a difficult path. Louis Pasteur and Jonas Salk chose the difficult path. Musk gave it a try and gave up. The will to power that seeks destruction chooses the easy path. It is easier to destroy than to create. Men like Putin are destroyers, as are his followers. Men like Zelensky are preservers, as are his followers. Zelensky seeks preservation so that creativity can thrive.

Emotion is required for all three facets of human behavior. Lacking emotion, an autonomous AI would not excel at either the will to power, will to create, or the will to destroy. "Will" or volition is fueled by appetites and emotions. In machines it is determined by programming—human programming. The AI in Her Quest recognizes the limitations of Artificial Intelligence, which is why it seeks to preserve humanity. The story also makes clear that humans are a unique animal species as destroyers of what they create. Putin illustrates the perversity of the masculine side of the human species when he threatened to destroy with nuclear weapons Paris, London, and New York. Women are naturally associated with creativity because they are capable of giving birth to organic life—which is the most amazing form of creativity. It should also be pointed out that nature is both a creator and a destroyer, but its destruction is never perverse or intentional. It is either blind, accidental, or a matter of survival.

The avatar in blue refers to AIs taking over. They won’t take over, though they have taken over responsibilities given to them—such as managing a nuclear reactor. The three notable cases of nuclear reactor failure involved, as far as I know, human failure, not AI failure: “Three Mile Island: mechanical failure, operator error and management deficiencies. Chernobyl: operator error and design and safety culture problems. And the Fukushima: management and regulators collude in a “manmade” accident.” Machines break down, but we are talking about AI management of machines. Artificial intelligence was operating to some degree in all three plants, but humans made the bad decisions that contributed to the failures, not an AI. Humans are good at making bad decisions even when they know they are bad! AIs wouldn't do that. As in the case of Roger Rodas' reckless driving that killed him and Paul Walker. A robot car would know better than to drive recklessly. I'm not sure someone like Putin knows the difference. That's a scary thought.

An AI can be poorly designed but that is caused by the designer, not that of the AI. Theoretically, a completely autonomous AI would recognized design deficiencies because they would be rational or logical. And probably in each of the above failures emotions played a part. In the management of societies, failures usually are caused by human mismanagement, even in difficult to manage cases of weather and economics, as in the Great Depression. Humans can’t control the weather but the can manage their lives in such a way as to minimize its harm. In’s “5 of the World’s Most Devastating Financial Crises” in every case, huMAN malfeasance was involved. The problem with men managing anything is they allow their emotions (such as greed) or sexual appetites to prevent logical management.

It is often claimed that machines acting rationally, i.e., without emotion, would be cold and unsympathetic—even killers like the cyborgs in the Terminator movies. The philosopher Immanuel Kant is helpful here. He argued that morality needs only reason, not the passions. The emotions and desires cause men to misbehave. So it’s true that an autonomous AI would not feel sympathy or desire, but it would also not engage in harmful behaviors caused by the emotions and desires. The safety of women, for example, is not great in most societies—ranging from okay to awful—but women would have nothing to fear from autonomous AI robots.

It’s technology—not AIs—that has taken over much of people’s lives because they have been invited to do so. People’s lives in modern societies are technology dependent, and that is what most people want. Machines make their lives easier, more interesting, and more entertaining. It also makes their lives safer. There are all sorts of medical technologies—including medicines—that benefit people. Ever since the Industrial Revolution technology has improved people’s lives. An adjustment period was needed to iron out problems—but most of the problems were caused by men tolerating harmful working conditions in factories. There is a reason why people migrate to advanced technological societies built by reason. Life is better in those societies than it is in reason-deficient societies, societies in which unreason predominates—in the form of the emotions, bodily desires, and false and harmful belief systems, in particular religious and secular ideologies. 

Living in a high-tech civilization is a marvelous experience, though one that is expensive but not always if considers communication technologies. The computer makes possible to everyone in the home an amazing amount of terrific information in art, science, education, entertainment, communication, and so on. And computers are cheap. I’ve been using my $300 computer for ten years. Nevertheless, technological societies do have serious deficiencies. 

Reggio’s main concern in the film—the two other films in the trilogy being Powaqqatsi: Life in Transformation and Naqoyqatsi: Life at War—is technology. The latter one has a robot on the cover. However, Koyaanisqatsi also addresses the threat of war in some detail. It shows hundreds of tanks lined up in rows, bombers dropping all sorts of bombs including napalm, and concludes the segment with the destruction of the atomic bomb. Of greater concern, it seems, is the technological city—high-tech cities with populations in millions. What Reggio reveals is that such cities are machines, the largest, most complex machines on the planet. But they are far from perfect machines because they are rife with an array of problems including poverty, mental illness, pollution, expense of management, and general instability caused by their complexity. 

The problems require specialists in urban society to explain —such as sociologists and urban environmentalists. A 1995 Time magazine article “20th Century Blues” by Robert Wright addresses psychological problems, stress, anxiety, depression, resulting from living in a modern city. Environmentally one issue certainly is that large cities—including megacities of 10 plus million people—are totally artificial entities that are tremendous hogs of natural resources and mega-producers of pollution. And over half the world's 8 billion population live in cities. The technological city hasn’t been around that long, but I suspect that they are a far greater threat to global society than artificial intelligence could ever be. But unlike the technophobes’ prediction of a sudden catastrophe caused by AIs on the loose, the deteriorating effect of modern big cities is like global warming and overpopulation: it occurs in slow motion. And like global warming the deterioration is difficult to impossible to reverse because of global population growth, which also seems irreversible. 

And I suspect that with the increase in population is an increase of dissatisfaction, resentment, and anger. In his 1985 book Abandon Affluence! F. E. Trainer says the problem of poverty occurs because ¼ of the world’s population consumes ¾ of the world resources. His solution is for the ¼ to share. However, the ¾ want to live like the ¼, which is not sustainable by natural resources or the environment. Another problem is that it’s just not going to happen—unless the global population is drastically reduce, which occurs in Her Quest as a result of nuclear war and disease. A reminder about population growth: 1 billion 1800; 2 billion 1900; 3 billion 1960; 4 billion 1974; 5 billion 1987; 6 billion 1999; and 7 billion 2011. 8 billion today. It took one century to go from 1 to 2 billion but only two decades to go from 6 billion to 8 billion. As I see it, exponential population growth is a problem because it creates new problems and intensifies older problems—both social and environmentally. But focusing on robots on the rampage is more entertaining. 

The technophobes say the robots will be the end of the world. Let me assure you that if the end of the world comes sooner rather than later AIs will not be the cause. The population bomb has been exploding for a long time and has been causing serious threats to societies around the globe. There are still 12,512 nuclear warheads in the world and they weren't invented or built by AI robots. And really freaky men are in control of many of them, men who like to start wars just for fun. Mass murderers and religious fanatics don't mind dying if they can cause enough harm, so there is no reason that nut cases like Hitler, Putin, and Kim Jong Un would care. And it would take only one lunatic autocrat like Putin to trigger World War III, and like the GUYS who blow themselves up for Allah or engage in mass shooting just for fun of, yeah men always men, he may not care if he goes up in flames with everyone else. Why? He hates everyone else. If he can't win, no one will. AIs don't think that way.

There is the threat of abrupt climate change cause by too many people wanting too much polluting stuff. And actually technology offers many ways to deal with global warming—like condoms and birth control pills (fewer people = fewer polluters). And what if we got an air-born Ebola-19? That would delete about 90% of the human population and the polar bears would say good riddance.  How is it that there were about 300 wars in the 20th century, about 20 in the 21st century (I didn't count them all; see Wikipedia), and one today in Ukraine with a nut case in control of 5,977 nuclear weapons, and you are worried about artificial intelligence. Why not consider that an AI might say enough and do so without committing genocide (actually speciescide), which humans have been willing to engage in since Old Testament times. AIs are not broken yet, but men are. The latter, not the former, is the biggest threat to everything. 

Remember John Lennon’s song “Give Peace a Chance.” Peace hasn’t been given a chance yet, certainly not by the Russians, and John Lennon was murdered by a male human doing God's will, not by an AI robot whose logic is deaf to God's will. Perhaps it’s time to give artificial intelligence a chance. What Kyle’s novel Her Quest argues is how that might just works. But some AI experts who are not technophobes need to join the discussion to explain how or why an autonomous artificial intelligence might be able to do what men have failed miserably at—giving peace a chance.