Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Why America Will Lose the Presidential Election

Kamala’s Burden

In John Bunyan’s story Pilgrim's Progress the character Christian is weighed down by a great burden—the knowledge of his sin, which threatened to sink him into Hell. Kamala Harris is weighed down by a great burden that will prevent her from winning the presidential election against Donald Trump. One of the interesting aspects of recent presidential elections is voters voting against candidates rather than for candidates. For example, in the Biden-Trump election sufficient voters voted for Biden not because they liked or admired Biden but because they despised Trump. Trump won the election against Hillary Clinton because enough voters despised Clinton, rather than liked or admired Trump. The voting against rather than for scenario will be repeated in the present election.

Onward, Christian Soldiers

Trump’s political base is militant Christians. That is why he chose the militant Christian JD Vance as his running mate. Vance said that “Augustine gave me a way to understand Christian faith in a strongly intellectual way” (“JD Vance,” Wikipedia). He could have said “in a strong militant way” since Augustine is one of the most viciously militant theologians of all time. Augustine became a “severe and aggressive figure of authority.” In his Augustine of Hippo, Peter Brown says Augustine justified forced conversion (231). Charles Freeman says in The Closing of the Western Mind  that “Augustine “provided rationale for persecution.... By the thirteenth century a papal legate reported on the extermination of the Cathars, a [Christian] sect which preached a return to the ascetic ideas of early Christianity: ‘Nearly twenty thousand of the citizens were put to the sword regardless of age and sex. The workings of divine vengeance have been wondrous’” (296). The new Cathars are the Democrats.

Brown tells us that Augustine spent “his middle age in a bitter campaign against fellow-Christians, the Donatist schismatics” (202). In addition,  Freeman says that “Augustine’s rationale for persecution was to be used to justify slaughter (as of the Cathars or the native people of America)” (299). Brown also tells us that Augustine “wrote the only justification, in the history of the Early Church, of the right of the state to suppress non-Catholics,” which would include not only Protestants and Christian heretics but also members of other religions and atheists. Augustine believed that “paganism must be openly refuted.” Thus, he committed “himself to this task with the vast labour of his City of God” (Brown 269). As a result, Christians could slaughter Native Americans and take their land with a clear conscience. In the Old Testament God's chosen people set the set precedence doing  so (with God's blessing) against Canaanite pagans and laid the foundation for militant Old Testament Christianity represented by Vance. About slavery, Augustine asserted “that slavery is God’s punishment for evil.” He wrote that it “can only be by a judgment of God, in whom there is no unrighteousness, and who knows how to assign divers punishments according to the desert of the sinners” (Freeman 206). Thus, black slaves were more evil than their owners and slavers were simply doing God’s work!

Vance aggressed Kamala by calling her a “cat lady” because she has no biological children, only step-children. It was an ad hominem attack condemning women who are infertile and demeaning the role of stepmother. Instead of being a follower of Augustine’s Old Testament Christianity, he should have paid closer attention to the behavior of Jesus and the doctrine of Apostle Paul. Jesus defended women rather than aggress them. Apostle Paul advised against both marriage and having children because he believed the Rapture was about to occur. And it is odd that Vance would criticize a Kamala for being infertile when Jesus and Paul both chose not to be parents. So clearly it is neither irresponsible nor unethical to choose not to have children. Apparently, Vance didn’t learn much philosophy even though he studied it.

 Brown provides a Freudian explanation for the similarity of Vance and Augustine' thinking and behavior. Both had similar childhoods. "Vance has written that his childhood was marked by poverty and abuse, and that his mother struggled with drug addiction" ("JD Vance," Wikipedia). And "Augustine was the son of a violent father, and of a relentless mother; [thus] he could uphold what he considered objective truth with a notable innocence of his own aggressiveness" (Brown 208).

When Is Enough Enough?

Overpopulation is a good reason to have a pet cat rather than a child. With a global population of 8.3 billion, the Earth is overburdened with humanity. The population of the U.S. is one-third of a billion, ranking third after China and India. When I was in high school (1960s) the global population was three billion. At the time the U.S. population was 179.3 million and nineteen out of every twenty persons in the United States was born in America. Today, 13.8 percent of the nation's residents are foreign-born. And over a billion people live south of the American border who yearn to be in America as their populations increase and their quality of life decreases.

Finally, by serving as a step-mother Kamala behaves as a Good Samaritan. And her support for Ukraine also shows she is a Good Samaritan: “History has shown us if we allow aggressors like Putin to take land with impunity, they keep going. And Putin could set his sights on Poland, the Baltic states and other NATO allies. Putin started this war, and he could end it tomorrow, if he simply withdrew his troops from Ukraine’s sovereign territory.” We know that Vance skipped Jesus's Good Samaritan parable: "After Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Vance stated that 'I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another'” ("Trump may surprise us on the Ukraine war," Lowy Institute, Mick Ryan). 

"I don’t really care  one way or another."

"BRAVO, COMRADE!"  say the Russian soldiers slaughtering Ukrainian men, women, and children! "You're one of us!"  Just imagine, America, your next vice president doesn't care about the women and children Putin has murdered or about the communities, homes, businesses, schools, and hospitals Putin has destroyed. Why the dull-minded heartlessness? Because the dull-minded, heartless, authoritarian Vladimir Putin is Vance's and Trump's  hero. Thus, their hero is  an ally of our greatest enemies: China and Iran. Where is the logical in that? In sum, both Vance and  Trump speak loftily of independence and freedom but without obligation to the rest of the world. The obligation I speak of is moral, the altruism of Jesus's Good Samaritan. Their moral policy for the nation is narcissistic selfishness. Their good neighbor policy is if your neighbor's house is burning, let it burn. Such men are not heroes but hollow men totally unlike the men of that Greatest Generation who at great cost to themselves came to world's rescue. How strange that today the French show greater noblesse oblige than do Republican Party. Their indifference to human suffering can only improve Kamala's chance of being elected, but not enough.

The other female support of Ukraine is former Republican Representative Liz Cheney: "'Ukrainians fighting on the front lines of freedom should not have had to wait so long for this U.S. aid,' Cheney wrote in a post to X, formerly Twitter, on Saturday afternoon. 'Today, 311 members of the House defied Trump & the GOP Putin caucus. They voted to stand for freedom against the evil of Putin & his allies in Iran and around the world.'" In response Trump told another member of the Putin Fan Club Tucker Carlson, "Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her." Just imagine that if Trump becomes president that both the president and vice president will not only be members of the Putin Fan Club but will also be anti-Good Samaritan misogynists.

Why JD?

Because appearances count a lot in politics. Images and facts are constantly manipulated to fit a political narrative. Vance comes across as all-American. Son of American born parents he overcame the hardships of a dysfunctional family, joined the Marines, used the G.I. Bill to go to college, and became a senator. Kamala Harris, on the other hand, is the child of Indian and Jamaican immigrant parents. She had a comfortable upbringing. She is called an African American, but the label is incorrect for two reasons: her father is Jamaican and she has no ancestors who were slaves on American plantations. Thus, she does not represent the suffering of black Americans. So, on the one hand we have Vance as a genuine American rooted in family and history and Kamala an American sanctioned by law. That is part of the great burden that puts her at a disadvantage against Trump and Vance. In addition, “Harris expressed support for San Francisco's sanctuary city policy of not inquiring about immigration status in the process of a criminal investigation” (“Kamala Harris,” Wikipedia). And as Border Czar, Kamala failed to secure the United States border, rather choosing to support Biden’s no border policy, which patriotic Americans consider a dereliction of duty and betrayal of the homeland. So whose side is she on? And now two assassination attempts on the life of Donald Trump. It seems the Democratic Party she serves has become militarized.

Now her burden gets really heavy. Not only must she beat the Trump-Vance cult and billionaire fifth columnists, she said she supported the violent “protests” that destroyed monuments, set fires in cities, destroyed businesses, and terrified citizens. She also supported all of Biden’s mismanagement, such as when he stumbled first day in office in January 2021 by despotically shutting down Keystone XL Pipeline without consideration for the American workers, costing the U.S. economy 59,000 jobs and $9.6 billion in economic growth. First day in office Walter Mitty Biden was going to show the Republicans who was boss. He showed them again with his despotic and bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan that led to the death of 13 U.S. service members. And nurse Kamala simply smiled. But Joe’s bungling arrogance became part of her legacy. 

Say it ain't so, Joe

NPR tells us that “Sen. Joe Biden was one of the few Democrats who sided with credit-card companies that were trying to make it harder for people to declare bankruptcy.” The bankruptcies were often caused by people having to use credit cards to pay medical bills, universal health care being absent. There’s more. SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) says, “​Newly sworn-in President Joe Biden unveiled legislation Jan. 20 that would create a pathway to citizenship for the roughly 10 million to 12 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States, offering expedited green card eligibility to ‘Dreamers.’” Taken together, it seems that Biden cared a lot more about the welfare of immigrants than he did about the welfare of Americans or about preserving the integrity of their homeland. Or did he open the border just to get back at Trump? Whatever their political motivation, both he and Kamala appear more committed to rioters and immigrants than to Americans. The slogan of the anti-American left at the time was “No borders, no walls, no USA at all.” Unbridled immigration could achieve that goal.

The Hidden Agenda

Old man Biden was played by the radicalized left that took control of the Democratic Party. His ego was stroked: “We will fulfill your wish to be PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES if you play along.” He said “I’m your man.” Of course he was. This was his last chance for greatness. The strategy was simple. The narcissistic old white man (much like Trump) would serve as the radical left’s Trojan horse. The goal wasn’t about policy but about revolution. If Biden gave up the ghost while in office, then Kamala would become president, the daughter of immigrants who had represented not traditional Americans but immigrants pouring across the border and being transported to cities across America, traveling expenses paid for by American taxpayers. In a sense, immigrants became the new proletariat with traditional Americans becoming the oppressive, racist, exploitative fascists. This Marxist revolution had been brewing in the U.S. for decades as explained in the following books and articles: 

Clinton Rossiter’s Marxism: the View from America

Nathan Glazer’s The Social Basis of American Communism

Paul Buhle’s Marxism in the United States

Maurice Isserman’s “When New York City Was the Capital of American Communism”

Frank Kyle’s “The Roots of the Biden-Harris Marxist Overthrow of America”:

Most Americans are unaware of the influence of Marxist ideology in the U.S., and since the inept, heavy-handed, overreaching of the Army–McCarthy hearings, criticism of those committed to the ideology has been considered unjust and persecutory.

The Great American Multicultural Experiment

Normally, two methods have been used when political parties want to change the country. One is violence as used in Russia and China and recently attempted on a smaller scale in the U.S. The other is to change opponents’ thinking via dialogue and ratiocination. The latter hasn’t worked all that well in America because there are only two political parties and both are powerful political machines. In addition, differences are deeply rooted in ideology (Christianity, capitalism, and Marxism) and infused with hatred of the other party. In other words, emotion has overthrown reason. A new strategy was needed.

Whereas Republicans like George Bush Jr. tolerated illegal immigration for political/economic reasons, the new Democratic Party has been using it as a method for bringing about a demographic shift in the country. A five percent margin was all they needed. However, as noted above, something more radical has occurred within the Democratic Party. Why settle for a five percent margin when a demographic shift would keep party in power forever, accomplished by transforming America into a multicultural society by importing tired, poor, wretched refused huddled masses yearning to escape their lawless, politically corrupt, poverty-ridden nations by emigrating to America.

Achieving a Leftist Utopia through Demographic Manipulation

The goal has been to marginalize traditional Americans as a political force nationally and in cities by changing the demographics—which has already occurred in many cities and states. The political objective has been to reduce the political influence of traditional conservative Americans. The hidden agenda is to minoritize traditional Americans using population manipulation. Euphemistically, the project has been acclaimed as the Great American Humanitarian Multicultural Experiment that would result in a multicultural utopia in the way communism was supposed to create communist utopias. And yes, the multicultural experiment is a Marxist offshoot with all cultures and ethnic groups becoming politically, economically, and culturally equal. Of course, the multicultural experiment is contrary to the idea E Pluribus Unum (out of many, one) because it discarded the melting pot idea that all the cultures would come together to create a common, unified American culture. To the contrary, the differences of culture, ethnicity, and ideology that made up the multicultural puzzle have prevented the pieces from fitting harmoniously together. And traditional Americans—black and white—find themselves possessing no greater status than the new people flooding into the country. So, they feel they have been betrayed from within. 

Biden’s Problem

Acquiring great power and influence usually does not result in being loved and appreciated, yet what Biden has wanted most is to be loved and appreciated, and to be given great man status—like that of Washington, FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Lincoln, and well that’s just about it. Anyway, Biden’s problem is that he achieved his political ambition to become president, but he believes he has not been adequately loved and appreciated by Americans, not even by Democrats who simply used him as a tool. It was pretty clear that he is the Democrats’ puppet president. They knew his ambition was not their agenda but personal and narcissistic. Like Trump and most other politicians he has been driven by personal ambition—not the well-being of Americans. Being vilified by conservative and patriotic Americans and especially by his nemesis Donald Trump angered him. Welcome to my world, thought Trump. It was time for anti-American/anti-Trump payback. Biden halted work on Trump’s border wall (another one of 17 executive orders issued on his first day in office, including six others dealing with immigration), abruptly and authoritatively, without consensus or discussion but by executive order.

This Agenda is not the Empowerment of American Minorities

It's not about black lives matter. The lives of red, brown, black, and white Americans don't matter, though the goal is the deconstruction of a unified culture via the  establishment of a heterotopian nation consisting of disturbing, intense, incompatible, and contradictory cultures achieved waves of immigrants from other cultures. It is the program of both Joe Biden and George Soros that have been described in YouTube videos that have been deleted. Newsweek, however, says, "Alex Soros, the son of billionaire George Soros, has issued a warning to Democrats about the presidential election ahead of a pivotal press conference for President Joe Biden...Alex Soros, the chair of the nonprofit Open Society Foundations (OSF), took to X (formerly Twitter), to urge Democrats to unite around Biden" ("Joe Biden Gets Support From George Soros' Son Ahead of Key Press Conference"). Why? Because Biden and his vice president would continue Soros's program. For example, "The OSF has been a major financial supporter of US immigration reform, including establishing a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants" ("OSF," Wikipedia).  "Underneath its lofty rhetoric, the organization was clearly devoted to the eradication of national sovereignty, ("Connoisseur of Chaos: The dystopian vision of George Soros, billionaire funder of the Left," by Stefan Kanfer, City Journal).

The subtext is to minoritize the white population of nations dominated by European descendants. This is achieved by waves of immigrants from non-European nations. From the Center of Immigration Studies: "The last four decades of mass immigration did not just happen by chance. Complex social and political forces drove the demographic transformation that has added 55 million people to the U.S. population since 1980" ("A Review of Open Borders Inc.: Who's Funding America's Destruction?, by Michelle Malkin"). Mirroring the agenda of the Democratic Party, Harris represents migrants, not black Americans. There are plenty of black American women capable of being president of the United States, certainly more qualified than the last two. But the agenda was never about celebrating and empowering black women or black Americans generally. It was always about transforming America into a decentralized post-America heterotopia that makes an absolute break with the traditional America. The agenda is a Brave New America.

Mission not yet Accomplished

Biden has hung on, so Kamala hasn’t become president as a result of his demise. So on to plan B: President Biden drops out of the race and endorses Kamala for president, fulfilling his deal with the now radically left Democratic Party that brought him to power. However, like Biden, she would have to be elected as his former vice president. And like him, she would have no chance of winning if she weren’t running against the greatly despised Donald Trump who “has the dubious honor of being the only U.S. president to face impeachment twice.”And let's add to that Best Buddy and admirer of mass murderer Vladimir Putin.  (

However, like Hillary Clinton, Kamala is encumbered by a great burden, but Hillary was simply disliked in the way Trump is disliked. Kamala, on the other hand, is disliked and feared. Hillary and Trump were not considered threats to the integrity of the nation, whereas Kamala does represent such a threat. If she were president of the United States, immigrants would have a champion in the highest office in the land. She would be able to bring to fruition the Great American Multicultural Experiment that would marginalize traditional Americans—black and white. The threat of Hispanic immigrants to blacks is not that they are taking jobs from blacks but that they are taking over black communities. Read Steven Malanga’s “The Rainbow Coalition Evaporates: Black anger grows as illegal immigrants transform urban neighborhoods: The future that both black and traditional white Americans fear is described in these stories:



Fear of the future and fear of that political juggernaut the Democratic Party are two among many reasons that Kamala Harris will lose the election.

This is not an election to be celebrated but to be lamented. It’s a death knell for the nation. It reveals America has reached a fallen state out of which it cannot emerge because a cultural foundation upon which to build no longer exists. The vision of America has been forgotten. It was a vision celebrated by the poet Walt Whitman and artist Winslow Homer but is today forgotten. The new culture is the creation of pop culture, Hollywood, celebrities, social media, billionaires, sound bites, and constant babble. All that’s left is noise, mostly hateful.


Whoever wins, the country will remain divided by hatred. How did America come to this? And where are the wise media pundits and politicians who would condemn both parties instead of condemning one and praising the other when both are deserving of condemnation? Why the blind loyalty to that which is undeserving of loyalty? Paycheck? Ideology? Fear of becoming an outsider? Fear of being condemned (as Socrates and Jesus were) for not conforming to social media's ideological protocol? And why the silence of America's wise intellectuals, the so-called voice of reason? Are they cowering in academic bunkers? The irony here is that we have to choose between two undesirables for president when the country is fill with brilliant men and women. And it's not the fault of the people but of two political parties corrupted by greed and religious and secular ideologies. America wasn't intended to be a theocracy or a Marxist state but a nation that encourage the self-realization of each and every individual.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Freddy's Complaint: Bad Shits Always Goin to Happen

It was only about a week after the assembly for Tyrone getting gun down at a bus stop with that little girl when Arabs decided to fly our planes into our buildings, pretty much doing what they do best, destroying shit. I took this as another epiphany that the year was goin to pretty much suck, and I was right. At school admin and teachers were worried about the students being traumatized by the event so one class period was devoted to talkin about what happened and then we had to go to another assembly and listen to some government expert tell us that we shouldn’t feel unsafe because the president and the US Government was doin everything to keep us safe. I was thinkin this guy doesn’t have a clue. There’s a lot of guys at Jefferson that would love to see planes fly into Jefferson as long as they weren’t in class when it happened. None of my friends are worried about being attacked by Arabs but by the thugs in the neighborhood. A friend of Tyrone’s named Rasheem... It really makes you wonder where black people get their names from. I think they figure any name that don’t sound white is a good name. Anyway, Rasheem says that if all the people in the buildings had been black the president and the United States Government wouldn’t give a shit. You could see he was still upset about Tyrone being gun down. The speaker says that’s not true and Rasheem says bullshit because black men between the ages of somethin like 16 and 25 are more likely to die by gunfire than anything else. I could see the teachers eyeballin Rasheem, and if it weren’t for the speaker they’d of been all over him for his language. But he knew they wouldn’t do shit front of the speaker because they had to look all sensitive and such. They’d get him later. The speaker goes on to say I understand blah, blah, blah. But he don’t understand shit. I mean if Rasheem gets killed there’s no doubt that some black or Mexican gangbanger will be doin the killing, not some wild-eyed Koran reading Arab.

In the class discussion Ms Whiner said now Americans know what the Jews face everyday in Israel. Of course she’s goin to say that because she’s Jewish but the class response was mostly a yawn, like we've heard all that before. The thing is, Jewish or not, Ms Whiner is real hot. She don’t dress that way or nothin but she’s pretty and athletic, if you know what I mean, and kinda always angry about what’s goin on in the world which makes her even sexier. She’d be terrific for Dad cept she’s too smart and I wouldn’t want her as a stepmom because she’d always be on my case about doin homework. She’d probably trash my PlayStation. So the class cuts her a lot of slack and don’t really give a shit about her being Jewish because we think she a Jewish atheist. I think being a Jew is the only religion that allows atheists, which don’t make any sense at all to me but when it comes to religion lots of things don’t make any sense to me. Like the Moslems that whip out the ol rug and pray five times a day. I mean once a day should do the trick if god’s listenin. Any more than that is getting a little greedy for god’s favors, like a kid at the mall who tells Santa that he wants a bike for Christmas and then gets back in line to ask for a skateboard. If I were god I’d really be pissed off getting all those prayers, like he’s thinking Enough already!

Imagine getting billions of e-mails every day. God probably just let’s the celestial computer do the work, you know the automatic mail that you get that doesn’t really come from a person. Dad’s always bitchin about junk mail but he wouldn’t get any mail at all if it weren’t for the bills and junk mail. Of course, all those prayers may just go out into space and never reach god at all, either because he’s too far away or don’t exist, like those little sperms that we learned about in health class, pushin and shovin one another to be the sperm guy who gets that one girl egg, just like in the real world, too few girls for too many guys, or at least too few good-looking girls. I mean no sperm want to have sex with an egg that looks like Jabba the Hut. Anyway, when it comes to religion there might not be a god egg waiting to receive those sperm prayers so they just get lost in space until they get tired and give up the search and float in empty space like dead fish.

There must have been lots of prayers going out from those two buildings, but like during the Holocaust god was in a stingy mood. And those were his chosen people! And it’s not like I’ve never tried praying myself. When Mom and Dad were callin it quits I was on the prayer phone all the time. But god never picked up and I don’t think he did because either he just don’t give a shit about people and who could blame him, or he’s a big dumb fuck like an elephant who don’t know the fleas he’s carrying are trying to communicate to him, or he’s just a figment of the human imagination, which is how Mr. Wingnute said Sigmund Freud explained it. People wanting a Sugar Daddy in the sky to turn too when things aren’t working out, which is most the time. I’m amazed that some of my teachers still have their jobs bringing up unpatriotic shit like that, but what they do to keep their jobs is say some big shot like Freud said it, not me. Ms Whiner, Mr. Wingnute and Mr. Mendel don’t seem religious at all to me. They know better than me how fucked up the world is, so why would they be?

Mr. Wingnute said that such ideas are filled with seeds for other ideas, just like a fig is filled with little seeds, and before you know it one idea has turned into a big tree with lots of little ideas hanging from its branches like apples on an apple tree. He kinda laughed when he said that about the fig because I think he was thinking that we’d swallow anything. That night I asked Dad about the word figment and so he got out his big dictionary and we looked it up. He really loves doin that. It said something about making bread, so a figment of the imagination is like people making imaginary bread and then eating it afterwards and even talking about how tasty it was though it wasn’t even real in the first place. Then I got it. It’s like starvin people making believe that they got a meal of this real tasty food when really they got nothing to eat. That’s fucking sad because I bet lots of people in the world are eating figs of the imagination because they got nothing else. Enough of the depressing shit.

So Dad asked me why I was interested in the word because it’s kinda rare that I am, so I told him what Mr. Wingnute said about Freud saying religion being a figment of the human imagination. You see I had to mention Freud because that’s how Mr. Wingnute planned it so Dad couldn’t pick up the phone and say that Mr. Wingnute was teaching atheism. Fucking teachers aren’t all that stupid. So all Dad could do was give me that blank look he sometimes gets when the world seems too weird. Then he says like “How come they’re not teaching you something that will help you get a good job?” A good question really. I think I said, “I don’t know, Dad.” But then I think about him and his shitty job. Apparently Dad didn’t learn about Freud or about how to get a good job.

Speaking of weird, one of the nerdy students pointed out to Ms Whiner that we’re supposed to be discussing the Arabs attacking America not talking about Israel. I had to admit he had a point. She didn’t get pissed though because she likes nerds. Dad said the attacks would have never happened if it weren't for Israel and if America wasn’t always sticking its nose where it didn’t belong. I wasn’t sure what he meant and didn’t asked because I wasn’t all that interested and knew if I asked he’d give me a long drawn out explanation and I get enough of that at school. As far as I was concerned it was just more of the stupid shit adults do. Let’s face it, Jews, Americans, and Arabs are just bigger versions of the Crips, Mexican Mafia, and Aryan Brotherhood. They’re all gangbangers as far as I can tell fighting over territory.

It’s weird that there ain’t any Jewish gangs. Maybe they’re just one big gang that figures they can beat the others by being smarter than them, which is pretty much true. That’s why Jews aren’t liked because they give everyone else an inferiority complex. Take that Freud fellow. He was a Jew and you have to admit what he said about religion makes religious people feel pretty stupid. I don’t even know why Jews don’t just give up believing in god. He hasn’t done a fucking thing for them. Like I said about the Holocaust. There had to be a lot of sperm prayers headed his way when Germany became the Umbrella Corporation. I think all those prayers are still floating around in outer space.

Mr. Mendel said something like a vibration once it gets goin it goes on like forever but maybe he wasn’t thinking of prayer vibrations. Maybe they don’t even get out of the earth’s atmosphere but just bump into other vibrations and break up so that all that’s left is noise. Anyway, my point is that when you think about it god’s done nothing for his chosen people. Chosen for what by the way? A stopover in Auzwitz and then pass Heaven on the way to Hell because only Christians get into Heaven. That’s what I’ve heard. From what I see in school Jews get their success without god’s help. And that could be the reason you don’t see Jewish gangbangers in school. They’re too busy studying to get moneymaking jobs when they grow up. But that’s a problem for the rest of us. You have to do all that studying before you start making alot of money. I’m not sure it’s worth it.

Of course Dad wasn’t big on the books when he was in high school, mostly sports, and he ain’t making much money working for some electronic version of McDonald’s. He learned about computers when he was in the Army and took some community college classes afterwards. He keeps saying that he’ll go back to college and get a degree in the stuff he does at work. “Can’t get anywhere without a piece of paper you can hang on the wall,” he says. I say it’s a little late. I mean when I talk about my old man I’m speakin the truth. He’s pushing forty. He don’t look all that old but he is, especially on the inside. Dad was on the right track after the Army, takin courses at Hawkeye Community College on the GI Bill but then I came into the picture and the college thing faded fast. Just another example how marriage is a highway to nowhere because it always leads to havin kids. I say that but of course I’d marry Avalon in a minute. Can’t marry Jill. Wouldn’t want to raise a family in Raccoon City, though Alta Vista, the Black Zone, Taco Town, and Little Saigon aren’t any better. At least in Raccoon City you won’t get arrested for shooting the bad guys.

Getting back to the new bad guys on the block, Jackie said he’d like to shoot an Arab for what they did, but that ain’t saying much since Jackie was always talkin about shooting somebody anyway.

So as you can see, the beginning of the school year really sucked and I figured even then it wasn’t goin to get any better, and I was right, because nothin’s goin to ever get better. Shit’s always goin to happen and if it makes you feel better to say a prayer then go ahead and do it. If it don’t do any good at least it won’t do any harm, though I ain’t so sure. I bet those Arabs who flew the planes into our buildings thought that god told them to do that. And how did they know whether what they heard was god’s voice or just a fig of the imagination? And if that was really what god told them to do, then god’s fucking nuts. So it don’t matter whether god don’t exist or whether he does. People are goin to hear what they want to hear, like if god did exist and was tellin those Arabs that they shouldn’t fly those planes into the buildings, they’d just said that it was the voice of the devil just messin with them.

That’s it. People hear what they want to hear and if god decides to deliver the message directly like with Jesus... Well look what happened to him. And if the reanimated Jesus came to America today and said you gotta give up your SUVs, computers, televisions, cell phones, goin to the movies and such shit, he’d find himself back on the cross or in a loony bin. Which means people are pretty much goin to keep fucking over one another and the world and all its inhabitants. And that’s what Christians, like those baby-dick-lovin priests do every fucking day. Nail poor ol Jesus to the cross. And that’s the way it is in all religions, people hearin and doin what they want to hear and do, and now we got a president who’s on the prayer phone with god 24/7. Even Dad worries about that and Dad’s no atheist. I don’t think he is anyway, but maybe when we go to church he’s really just looking for god. I don’t know and don’t want to think about that right now. Anyway, that’s my epiphany about 9/11, like it or not.

A chapter from Freddy’s American Life to be published or not. Certainly not by a conventional publisher. Conventional publishers like to imagine themselves as representing freedom of speech and freedom of press, but they would have no interest in allowing Freddy to have his say because they would consider his ideas toxic. And that’s where self-publishing publishers come in. Unlike conventional publishers, they are willing to give Freddy a soapbox upon which to express his ideas and feelings concerning his American experience, which are not his alone but those of millions of Americans. And if you don't want to listen, you can walk on by, but at least he has his say. To conventional publishers his ideas and feelings must be rejected because they do not conform to their vision of what America is and should be. Their message to Freddy is “Shut the fuck up! Enough of the reality bullshit!